It’s long been a concern of parents the world over – what if the person on the other end of your child’s online chat isn’t another child? What if that person using all those cute emoji – or smileys – is actual a predator? International non-profit association Innocence en Danger launched a campaign in January depicting who just might be behind those emoji.

And the result is terrifying.

Each image in the Emoji in Real Life campaign depicts a different possible predator that your child or teenager may encounter while they think they are chatting with a peer.

The tagline of the campaign, which was created by ad agency Rosapark and released in January, is, “Who’s really chatting online with your child?

It’s a sobering call to attention for parents to talk to your kids about online habits and privacy. Though, some parents worry that using scare tactics, such as the one obviously implemented in this campaign, may do more harm than good.

Either way, Innocence en Danger, which was created to address Sexual Abuse of Children, Child Pornography and Pedophilia on the Internet, has done a fantastic job keeping the conversation going about the very real danger of online predators.

First, here are some examples of emoji:

Emoji Examples
Now here are the ads:

Innocence en Danger Emoji 001

Innocence en Danger Emoji 002

Innocence en Danger Emoji 003
To see other great ad campaigns similar to this one, follow my Creative Advertisements board on Pinterest.

Via Gizmodo.