Adam Williams

Advice for marketers and small business owners


Domino’s pizza box wants you to look the cow you’re eating in the eye

My family recently ordered a pizza and we were surprised to find images of the cows used in the making of the pizza on the Domino’s pizza box. Really?! Did someone in legal actually approve that?

I don’t even know where to begin with everything that’s wrong with this. I’m not a vegetarian but I have issues with the meat industry (and the use of CAFOs).

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When it makes sense to screw your customer

I just got screwed.

I made the classic first-time-to-China-and-I-have-no-idea-where-my-hotel-is-so-I’ll-believe-the-taxi-driver mistake. Since I wasn’t sure where my hotel was, how to get there, or what to pay to get there, I trusted the taxi mob (even though I felt like I was about to get screwed). And sure enough, I way overpaid. Leaving me pretty miffed.

But consider the transaction from the point of view of the taxi drivers. White guy, clearly American, and looking rather dazed from 20 hours of traveling. Chances are, this is a rare trip for me to China. And they are right. I’ll probably never come back to Guangzhou, China after this trip. So why not get every penny they can from me in this one transaction? It’s not as if they are building a brand or relationship. They are a one time service provider.

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