On September 28th, 2013, Marina Shifrin decided to quit her job at Next Media Animation in Asia by posting a video telling her boss, “I quit!” The video immediately went viral and garnered over 11 million views in only five days. Watch it for yourself.

Most companies don’t know what to do or how to respond when their employee’s resignation goes viral. Especially when the resignation says some unkind things (like Marina calling her boss out for not caring about the right things).

Next Media Animation, though, is in the video producing business and seems to understand a thing or two. So they responded in kind.

Standing at 2.2 million views after two days, Next Media’s video stands to get just as much media attention as Marina. Rather than clamoring up and just looking like the bad guy, they immediately took advantage of the situation and told their side of the story.

There were three things in particular that make this video a success:

  1. Next Media Animation used the same format as the original resignation. In this case a dancing video set to Kanye West’s Gone. Even the font of the subtitles is the same.
  2. Marina’s supposedly unreasonable boss and team wish her well, showing zero callousness and a rather human side.
  3. They appropriately use some humor when they state, “We’re hiring!”

If you’d like to see what happens to Marina Shifrin, then check out her website.